
I recently celebrated a birthday (3.21). I officially jumped out of the 25-34 age box, into the next group.  Yep, I’m 35.  I don’t feel older.  No older than I did a day before anyway- when I was still technically 34.  I know I am older though because I have already started to get the “Did you just turn 21?” comments.  I know those are meant to be sweet, but it isn’t sweet because anyone knows you know that they are just trying to be sweet… that was a long, run-on sentence, but you know what I am saying.  My uncle Bernie doesn’t sugar coat anything, so I knew it was a reality when I got a (imagine the quote in a Kennedy-esque Boston accent) “You’re an old girl now, huh?” Sigh.  Yes, Bernie I am.

how funny, that is exactly how I spent that evening!
how funny, that is exactly how I spent that evening!

Fun facts that I learned about my birthday: This Blog.  I guess I am clear-sighted and drawn to people born 11/21-12/23.  (My boyfriend’s birthday is 11/25)

Habit I will not give up ESPECIALLY now that I am 35: My monthly facial  appointment. Not going to give this one up, ever. Why you ask?  Because I don’t really look 35!  Well, that and the fact I don’t sun bathe or smoke.

In the spirit of being 35, I thought I would post about all things 35.  Well, things that I come across, rather.  I started with Google.  It’s completely random what pops up in a search:

i am the same age as hello kitty. sweet.
i am the same age as hello kitty. sweet.

11 things 35:

  1. By this age I should have enough money equal to my annual salary
  2. I can run for president
  3. Rules for life after 35 (by Oprah).  My favorites? 1,2,5,6,7,8,13,15,16,18,27 and 28!
  4. Under NCAA rules for men’s basketball, the offensive team has 35 seconds to attempt a shot
  5. 35 mm film is the basic film gauge most commonly used for both analog photography and motion pictures
  6. “35 c”, a song by Jagúar from the album Jagúar
  7. The designation of Interstate 35, a freeway that runs from Texas to Minnesota and the only freeway to have East–West divisions (in two places, the Twin Cities and the DFWMetroplex)
  8. Licence Plate code of Izmir/Turkey
  9. XXXV (album), the thirty-fifth anniversary album by folk rock band Fairport Convention
  10. 35 is the title of a book written by Casper Schipper
  11. This plane:
the lockheed martin f-35 lightning II
the lockheed martin f-35 lightning II

So, here’s to another year of happiness, love, health and success! Cheers!

the year to date.

It’s been quite a busy year thus far- and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down any time soon.  I’m not complaining.  It’s been wonderful, but have you ever taken a step outside your self and realized you are spreading yourself too thin?  I did that just now.

i wish.
i wish.



So, if you have read any of my blog posts before this, you’ll know I am in a healthy adult relationship with an amazing man.  He works too much and too hard, but I have never respected someone for such an amazing work ethic- and that isn’t even his best quality.  What’s also great is he is actually doing what he says he is doing…which has caused me to TRUST someone for the first time (applause).  It’s fantastic and does wonders for your stress levels.

Relationship aside, I am in grad school for my masters.  This would be fine if it weren’t for the 3 hour class every Wednesday after a full day of working 72 miles from where I live.  I know that the end result will be worth it- but for now I am going to be a little grouchy at this self-inflicted commitment.

I am the marketing chair for Catapult Seacoast– a networking group for young professionals in NH/ME/MA.  This requires many emails, meetings and the added energy to get a bunch of people motivated.  I would be lying if I wasn’t honest with the fact that our events seem to be without purpose (aside from alcohol and networking banter), but the team is working hard to change this- and I am here for the ride- and leading my part best I can.  We’ll see.  I’m moderately hopeful.

My boyfriend’s son is a freshman at my alma mater, St. Thomas Aquinas.  It’s really cool because most of the teachers from my time are still teaching there- and I’m fortunate they remember me and my “one hit wonder” musical, Guys and Dolls (I played Adelaide).   It’s exciting to be an adult and get to mingle with people who probably put you in detention every single day of high school (hey, I cannot help it if they do not make skirts that go to my knees!  I am 5’9!).  However- I refuse to call Mr. Collins, Kevin, or Mr. Holtz, Ron.  Sorry, not going to happen. That being said, I have joined the “parent” committee!  I even made the Facebook page! So far, I helped plan a parent social and am currently on the board for the upcoming fashion show.  It’s exciting, but I would be lying if the looks I get when I walk into a meeting form the other “moms” didn’t bother me.  Hey- I may not be officially a mom, but this is my school…back off.  :)  Besides, I am a VOLUNTEER!  The coordinator, Sarah, makes it fun to be a part of it all- she’s awesome.  I have got in the habit of calling her on my ride to work to vent.  Sometimes she does the same- so all in all a friendship was formed, which is nice.

alas, the one hit wonder- me.
alas, the one hit wonder- me.

The house we live in is a 250 year old colonial.  I will not tell you how much money we have spent on heating this house- and I will not tell you how many times the oil thingy (technical term) has broken, but as of last night it is fixed.  Sigh.  I hope it is fixed.  This house drives me nuts.  The warm water is so temperamental I have not successfully taken ONE bath since we moved in (MY FAVORITE THING), and if you use the water downstairs in the morning while someone is in the shower, the water immediately goes to downstairs and you’re left with ice.  The fireplace, while romantic and very aesthetically pleasing, only seems to heat 1′ of space in front of it.  So if you want to get warm while the oil thingy isn’t working- you have to sit your ass directly in front of the fire- causing you to smell exactly like you think you would smell sitting in a fire pit.  The pipes freeze and break.  The cabinets don’t close.  Not one window was properly installed, so there is a constant breeze.  There is a train.  OMG I can’t believe that isn’t the first thing I mentioned.  The train.  This train has a wonderful schedule that goes all night long.  It shakes the house so much that when we had a mild earthquake- it had nothing on the train.  Did I mention I am a light sleeper?  We are moving to a nice, big 3 BR house on April 1st in York, Maine.  Needless to say, April cannot come soon enough for us!

Of all the tasks my schedule is filled with, of all the commitments I say “yes” to on a daily basis- it’s the phone call I just received that makes it all seem like white noise.  Nothing could possibly bother me when I hear his voice.

In case your curious: I’m picking up vegetables on the way home for dinner- and he loves me.  🙂

resolution 2013: keeping it positive.

I have a new outlook on life. I’m going to learn to let things go, look on the bright side, and most importantly: learn that other people’s problems are not my own! I will not internalize and take personal the actions of other people. I will learn to take a deep breath. I will learn the following phrase: “It’s not about me!” After all, it’s really not. Maybe my new outlook is simply just removing emotion and replacing it with logic? Whatever it is, I’m in for the long haul.

I have had a tendency to let the problems and actions of other people affect my spirit, energy level and mindset. It would encompass me. No more! I will learn to take time for myself, not internalize everything and take space when needed. Even typing this out right now feels fantastic. Here’s to a healthy mindset for 2013! Will I still be a good listener and friend, of course, but once the conversation is done- as is my thinking on the matter.

Already challenging me on this personal achievement? You’re not the first. While in a meeting this morning, I told a colleague my new outlook. His response? “$5 and you are back to your old self by Friday.” Wrong you are, my friend! The funny thing is, I didn’t even think I was that negative of a person. Most people who know me would say I am friendly and happy all the time. People who really know me might say I am sarcastic, self conscious and too damn sensitive.

Curious as to what magical straw broke this camel’s back (me being the camel)? Okay, I’ll explain. Besides the recent actions of positivity by a certain company president, teaching me that there are still GOOD people in the world, there is even more. While in the gym this weekend, a woman who had obviously never seen a gym before approached me by the stationary bikes. She was unsure how to use it and didn’t understand what this machine (obviously created for torture) was at all. After a horribly failed-effort attempt by a very young gym employee to teach her the proper usage, I decided to help her. Why the hell not? I started by giving her a little shit (aka “harm time”) for wearing jeans (lightheartedly, of course), followed by “you have to actually sit on it for it to work.” It was long, and I won’t go into detail of how disappointed I was with the gym staff – and their lack of care whether or not this lady figured it out. All in all, she got on and started pedaling. After about 1 minute I could tell she was frustrated and didn’t understand how pedaling, but going nowhere, could possibly be good for her- because it hurt and was making her sweat. I decided to help some more. “It’s all in your head. I’m not a doctor, but the human body can withstand it. You can do this.” Then she started spouting about how all she could think of was having to walk to the car, her doctors appointment the next day, her errands, etc. I found myself frustrated at HER lack of self confidence. Why on earth should I be frustrated for someone else’s troubles whom I don’t even know? And why doesn’t she believe in herself? I found myself saying out-loud, “It’s all in your head! Your only fighting with yourself! You can do this!” Who did I think was I, Tony Robbins?! Where was this coming from? Regardless of where it came from, I took the advice within myself like I was breathing fresh air for the first time.

Inside thought: Gee Katie, you should probably listen to your own damn advice.

i challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. i challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk. -tony robbins.
i challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. i challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk. -tony robbins.

And so it begins.

beauty, aside from the cold.

Winter is here! Well, it is officially 2 degrees in Maine today.  And although many people are probably very sad at this fact, and missing the summer terribly- I thought I would share a picture that might brighten your day.  It certainly made me enjoy the beauty, aside from the cold. Enjoy.

smoke on the water.  photo credit: brad von haden.
smoke on the water. photo credit: brad von haden.

thank you, mr. benson.

Sometimes in life a person provides an act of kindness so great, that words can only mildly express the gratitude the recipient feels.  “Thank you” seems small, but those two words are, in my opinion, the most meaningful one can express.  Yet, I imagine this post isn’t about just gratitude, its about respecting someone with integrity and selflessness.  Qualities so rare, that when they shows themselves- are neon bright.  I’ll explain.

Recently, our dog buddy acted his age (1 yr) and dismembered a dog treat, meant to be everlasting.   We were shocked to come home and find him covered in vomit and refusing to eat or go outside.  It was horrible.  When we took him to the vet, we found that a piece of the treat had been lodged in his esophagus.  The vet originally thought it was in his stomach (even after an X Ray that CLEARLY showed it was in his esophagus), so he unnecessarily cut open Buddy- to find (as I just told you)- nothing in his stomach.  Buddy came home and was still horribly ill- and getting worse by the day.  Buddy was losing weight by the minute, throwing up, uncontrolled bladder, restless and just plain miserable.  The bills were piling up and the end was no where in sight.

Side note: one thing I will say made me laugh is that when we sat in the “specialist’s” office, the first comment out of the vet’s mouth was, “we treat every animal as our own pet.”  Followed almost immediately by, “we cannot do a payment plan for the $2500+ surgery your dog needs to live, sorry.”

It was at that moment that I decided to let the treat company know just what they were putting us through.   So, I wrote a letter.

A letter that was answered within ten minutes of me sending it, by the president and COO of the company.  My mouth dropped.

It was at that moment that my opinion of people changed.  Well, two people in particular, Mr. Keith Benson and his wife, Emily.  They actually cared.  Mr. Benson called my home, on a Saturday morning, to express his concern for Buddy.  That call alone made my eyes water and my heart melt. He let me know that his wife received the email, and immediately called it to his attention.  They have dogs, train dogs, run a company saturated with dogs, but most of all- they love dogs.  I explained what exactly the vet said, and he explained that the treat was created to dissolve in the stomach gasses, not in the esophagus.  He was concerned for how uncomfortable Buddy must be feeling, as his own dogs have had a bone caught in their throat before.  He understood.  He insisted that I immediately take Buddy back to the vet- and that he would cover the costs.   It was an act of kindness so unbelievable that I started crying right there on the phone with him.   I felt like I was on an episode of Ellen!

Buddy is now out of the first of three corrective surgeries.  He is eating kibble already, putting weight back on, and scheduled for his last two follow-up procedures next week.  Buddy is going to be okay.  Buddy is going to wiggle his butt, lick our faces, make noises that make us laugh, snuggle, run around and chase everything that moves because of you, Mr. Benson and your wife Emily.

Thank you, so very much, not only for your tremendously generous gift, but for having the integrity to respond, the wisdom to understand and most of all, the heart to really care about our puppy.   You forever have loyal customers, confident testimonials, and most of all respect, from a small family in Exeter, New Hampshire.

thank you.

the beginning, in dates.

Never before in my life have I received so many compliments of “you look so happy!” or “what have you done differently to yourself?” or “you look amazing!” than I have over the course of the past year.  What’s my secret?  Simple.  I have been officially in love, for the first time in my life, for one whole year.  You have no idea what that does for your skin.

Let me walk you through the beginning, cause it’s my favorite part.  Don’t be deceived though, for I am more in love right this very second, than I was at any of the moments I am about to describe.  Enjoy.

Dec 23rd, 2011.  the reintroduction. (This one is my favorite) One year ago on December 23, while driving non-stop from Kittery, Maine to Milwaukee, WI, a man took a detour in off I-90, in Chicago, IL at 2:30am.  While in Chicago, two people were reintroduced to each other, after only meeting in person once- about a year and a half earlier.  An awkward hour later (of sitting about 6 inches apart on the couch, pretending to watch Gladiator), the man took the girl’s hand as he got up to walk to the door.  An electric shock went through her body so intense that she is typing about it right now for all to see.

Dec 26th the first kiss.  (Okay, this is my favorite too)  The scene: cold winter early evening, her face in his hands, against a car…sigh.  Have you ever melted into someone’s hands?  Yeah, well I have too.

Dec 29th an unsuccessful museum tour.  Yeah, you try walking around a museum when you can’t keep your hands off someone. It’s not easy, at all.  But gosh is it fun to try.

Dec 31st a phone call from a balcony in a Chicago high-rise (at a NYE party): a girl told a boy she loved him.  Oh and I meant it.  It’s not the first time I have said it to someone, but it is the first time I really meant it.  It just came to me and I said it.  I didn’t care how soon it was because it was more true than anything I had ever said before that moment.

About a week later, he said it back.

One year later, and here’s to many, many more.

year 1.


secret shared for holiday purposes.

I have a secret. I’m really really good at something…

Now, while I like to think having a gift or talent holds true for everyone, I certainly know it absolutely is in my case.  I’m not being cocky (well, maybe a little), but my mashed potatoes never fail to be complimented. Ever.

In the spirit of the season of thanks and giving, I am now passing it on to all of you.

Trust me. Make them. Now. Your family will hoard the leftovers. Hell, my mother hides a portion of them in the freezer so she can devour them in secrecy at a later date. There might be tears of joy. There might be arm wrestling or thumb wars to compete for the last bite. I won’t apologize for any of it.

Just trust me and make them. And you’re welcome.

always trust the katie.

Caveat: THESE ARE NOT FAT FREE, at all.

katie’s mashed potatoes.

You will need:

  • A big bag of baby or regular red potatoes
  • NO LESS THAN 2 sticks of BUTTER (do not use any substitutes)
  • 1/2 Cup of milk (I use A2) to taste because you don’t want it watery. If you feel you put too much, just turn the burner back on and it will evaporate some of the moisture
  • A full block of philly cream cheese (or more)*
  • LOTS of fresh or dried DILL weed. Add until it looks like you are using too much, but trust me- it makes everything smooth.
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Leave the skin on the potatoes, cut in half or quarters and throw in your large pot
  • The water in the pot should be filled to just above the top of the highest potato
  • Boil on high in large pot until you can flake off with a fork
  • Drain potatoes in the sink
  • Put 1 stick or 1/2 cup of butter in the original pot used to boil potatoes, when melted then add the drained potatoes
  • Add all remaining ingredients, one at a time
  • Mash
  • Add more butter
  • You probably need even more butter
  • Now, decided what you might need to add more of… My advice is to include a cooking partner (aka taste-tester) to help with these decisions
  • The desired taste should be TOOOOO creamy and eyes should roll back of their head upon fork entering mouth

*Sometimes I add 1/2 to full vidalia onion (chopped and boiled with the potato). I also sometimes sub basil for dill and sour cream for cream cheese. It’s equally delicious, just depends on your taste, mood or complementing protein. 

Prepping note: I prefer to use a hand masher; trust me it makes it better. A blender or a food processor will make them too smooth, or whipped (which then disqualifies it from being my recipe). You want them smooth, but with genuine texture. My advice is to smash until most of the lumps are gone and all the ingredients are melted and mixed. It should look like speckled kinda lumpy perfection when you are done.

Just a little gift from me to you. Enjoy.

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving.

love, *katie.

a funny observation.

Often times when I work out, I find that I am able to run longer distances if I don’t know how far I have run already.  My farthest, non-stop, is 4.04 miles (this is an amazing feat coming from a former sprinter).  One of the tricks I use is to block the screens with a magazine.  Typically I can’t find any new ones, and I have to deal with the ratty old ones I have read 10 times.  Today I got lucky!  While on the treadmill at the gym, I was reading the most recent People magazine. It is dated for November 5, 2012- even though the topic of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel’s wedding is basically old.

oh joy.

I wrote a post earlier about peculiar ad placements. I believe I have come across another and I wanted to share. In the midst of the wedding album, I see this:

It scares other bacon to bits. No, really.

While I appreciate the planner’s vision of a highly trafficked section of the magazine’s cover story, it just struck me as a silly place for bacon.  Who knows, maybe it was on the evening’s menu?


Holidays are coming up. Makes you think about everything that happened the year leading up to it. As I reflect, it occurs to me just how much I am thankful for the good things in my life. Studies show that people respond to a list, so I thought I would simply be a good student and blog accordingly. I’ll keep it to five things, but know there are hundreds more. Unfortunately, I am long-winded, but you probably knew that already.

1. I am thankful for the times I had with my grandmother, Lois, who passed just a few weeks ago. She was southern and cheery and perverted and creative.

How many people can admit that their grandmother was perverted? Oh, I can. I will not go into details, out of respect, but let’s just say I’m accurate. She was married 3 times and even after her last husband passed, was on the prowl. 

The story goes: Lois Rose was a beautiful woman, and when all the men went off to war- they would insist she wait for them upon their return. Her reply was most always a VERY southern “of course.”

Well, once the war ended, one handsome Colonel by the name of Earl Schmidt came to collect on his woman. And the rest is history… kinda.

Colonel Earl Morris Schmidt and his wife, Lois.

The tales I have heard of the men in her life are tragic and unbelievable. 

The man she cheated on my grandfather with owned (or part owned?) the emerald mines in Hiddenite, North Carolina. His name was Charles. I believe I met him once.

Over the years, she gave a bunch of the emeralds to different members of my family. I remember this giant stone she held onto for years, but it ended up being basically worthless in the end. Oh, well. 

She gave my mother the diamond that ended up being her engagement stone. Years later, it was also mine. The funny thing is no one ever actually paid for the stone, but the value is insane because of something to do with the cut.  I have no clue. It’s pretty though.

THEN the guy she cheated on with Charles ended up shooting him- in his mine! Karma? It was a big deal I think, but I don’t remember anyone being very sad about it.

I remember a story about one of her houses being sold to the Russian Embassy.

She taught me about the political parties. Her words and lessons in this regard were so impactful, the first thing I did on my 18th birthday was register to vote. Republican, of course.

I’m sure there are more- and as I think of them I will add to this portion.

She was fantastic at the card game Bridge and played competitively. It actually broke my heart when they told her she couldn’t play anymore because she was unable to mentally keep up. 

She truly loved that game. I have been working on my shuffle, but have not yet learned to play. She was fantastic at shuffling. I remember the “thip thip thip thip” they would make as they bent and blended together. Oddly, I believe that’s also called a bir

Lois (not grandma, just Lois) baked FOUR birthday cakes my freshman year of college.

Good Lord could that woman bake.

For years I have tried to mimic her methods, but I can assure you I am only mildly close (and I make a damn good cake). She was very into quilting. In fact, she could sew anything. She use to make my Christmas presents (along with her checks for $5)- and at any age would insist I was an adult size extra large. That means in the 6th grade, when I was a whooping 78 pounds at 5’3″- XL.

It was amusing, but I wore everything, every time. I am thankful for all the memories I had with her, good and bad. I will remember the giant trampoline in her yard that I use to get my head caught in the springs after my sister would convince me that a front flip was safe. Every grandchild was her “favorite,” to which she would say on the phone, as if on cue, “is this my favorite granddaughter?” I will miss traveling to North Carolina to visit, and I will miss her never quite knowing my name (I have 5 girl cousins and a sister, so I was any mixture of the names Caroline, Jennifer, Robin, Jessica, Stephanie, or Erica. If I was lucky, Katie would get a shout out). Rest in peace, Lois, you lived a long life with many people who loved you very much.

my quilt. she made one for each of the granddaughters. i got pink.

Update 11/9/2012: My cousin Caroline mailed me the program from the funeral. She wrote sweet words to speak in her honor, that she also mailed me. She actually reminded me of the fireflies we use to catch in her yard. I loved those little flicks of light and can remember chasing them until my mother would yell for me to come inside. Anyway, the program was filled with many pictures of my grandmother’s life:


You will notice the above pictures are filled with smiling faces, aside from one.

One person has the audacity to have their tongue sticking out, most inappropriately. I will let you guess which member of the family that would be.

Okay, I will give you a little help.

yes, that is me with my tongue straight out. stylish little thing, wasn’t i?

Sweet dreams, Lois. You were insane and I was petrified of you at times, but I loved you.

2. I am thankful for Brad and Gunnar. I have a boyfriend who is the most amazing man I have ever known. He has integrity and warmth and loves completely and without thought. He is one of the hardest working men I have ever known, and makes me want to be a better person every single day. His son is 14 and lives with us half the time. Gunnar is considerate, sensitive -and so smart it’s crazy. I have no doubt that this young man will grow up to change the world.

But hell, with a dad like that: how could he not? I love spoiling them, cooking for them and living life with them. Most of all, I love stories of them together growing up, and am thankful they have allowed me into their world.

at a BBQ festival this past summer. photo credit: brad.

3. I am thankful for my friends. Okay, I realize this is over-the-top cheesy, but I hope I have kept your attention this far.

If not, I’ll just consider this self therapy. After all, it’s good to appreciate things, even better to appreciate it out loud.

I love my friends for everything they are and everything they are not. I love how they stand by my side when I’m just being a girl (you know: too sensitive, emotional, analytical of everything) . I love that no matter how many times we call each other, it’s not annoying. I love that no topic is off limits. Nothing brightens my days more than a really good conversation to get something off my chest- or to help my friends with whatever they are going through. I love that 7am is not too early to chat. Most of all I love that there is no judgement on either side, ever. I would give my last dollar in the bank to any one of my friends, and they know it. I use to think that longevity was the key to a good friendship, but I now know that it’s loyalty and understanding. Just because you’ve known someone your whole life, doesn’t mean they will stand up for you or do what’s right, and it doesn’t mean they won’t use you. The people in my life who I call friends, I know I call them that with 100% accuracy.

if you saw what she looks like in person, it’s fair to say ANYONE would have encouraged her to wear it, but I was really touched by the compliment.

4. I am thankful for something so many people take for granted, health. We complain about the little things we would like to change about ourselves (breast size, wrinkles, nose shape, weight, etc), without really appreciating the fact that we are living, breathing humans on this earth. People talk about so many things that just don’t matter in the grand scheme of life, and they don’t even realize the amount of people living in pain. Appreciate your health! Take care of yourself! Eat your veggies and put that damn cigarette/cigar out! Don’t do drugs! It’s really quite simple if you think about it. I am done preaching. You will note that I didn’t comment on putting down that glass of wine, well- a little grape juice never hurt anyone, did it?

I also checked with WebMD: “The French diet is often used as an example of how wine can improve heart health. The French have a fairly high-fat diet but their heart disease risk is relatively low. And some have attributed this to red wine.”

5. I am thankful for South Carolina football. This one may seem far fetched from items 1-4, but it’s honest. As a new student at USC- I was miserable. I didn’t know many people, and couldn’t stand being called “yankee” all the time. A friend of mine in my Eastern Asian Civilization class said to me one day, “wait until football starts, you’ll see it all change and you’ll love it.” This was also the same friend who taught me about Krispy Kreme donuts (jerk), and how if you go right when they make them on the belt, they will be warm, gooey, and melting on your tongue, so I took his advice with a grain of salt. Well, he could not have been more on par. South Carolina football changed everything for me. Being from NH, I didn’t know what the hell “tailgating” was, nor had I done it; Neither of my parents are into sports. I was a cheerleader in junior high, but had no idea what it meant when I was yelling “First and Ten!” What do I love about it? The lights of Williams Brice stadium in all it’s glory, the 80,000 person-filled stadium all cheering in unison, the passion of a Carolina/Clemson game, the paupers drinking moonshine with the millionaires, the crowing Gamecock and fireworks- it was magnificent. Is magnificent. I started really watching and really understanding the game. I became addicted. It’s been 11 years since I graduated, and I still watch the games every weekend during season- even if by myself. Most years, I try to make it to a game with my friends. I watch the annual draft with pride, as the players I have followed for the past 4 years go on to the NFL. Recently, one of my favorite players was seriously injured. It broke my heart- so I mailed him a card and pitched to The Ellen Show that he be featured! 15 years I have been a loyal fan of this team, and it’s only the beginning.

Here’s a health, Carolina, forever to thee!

So that’s five things I am thankful for, and as I said, it’s only five out of hundreds.

What are you thankful for as the holiday season begins?


I wrote this a while back for GY&K’s blog. Thought I would share, as these tips are always useful!

Four Easy But Sometimes Overlooked Digital Marketing Basics.

It can be overwhelming to think of all the digital options in today’s marketing world. It’s completely understandable to feel like the #trends are happening quicker than you can keep up. After all, your digital marketing efforts can make a big impact on your company’s visibility. Before you take off for summer vacation, check out these simple digital maintenance items, which can be easily overlooked:

1. Website content

  • Is the contact, profile, company and product/service information correct?
  • Do you have any typos? When was the last time you really went through and analyzed your website copy? Does it all make sense?
  • Is the press/media information up to date?
  • Have you installed Google Analytics? Have you been tracking it?

Updating content not only helps keep your brand fresh, it also helps those little magicians in the back end of your computer happy. I’m talking about SEO. For a refresher on alt-tags, keywords and more SEO basics, visit seomoz.

2. Google Alerts

  • Have you set up a “Google Alert” for your company name and your direct competitors?

Google Alerts monitor the Web for new content. You know you’re going to check email from the beach, right? Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries.

Here’s what it looks like in your inbox:

you’ve got mail.

Here is a link so you can set up your own #GoogleAlerts.

3. Facebook and Twitter


  • Have you optimized your page for the Timeline yet? Not sure how? That’s okay! Our PR and Social Media Manager Liz Pollock gave us the basics here. It is also a good idea to make sure all the content and company information is correct. Encourage your employees to become fans!


  • Is it time to update your bio or background image? You might also want to make sure you are engaging appropriately with new followers.

4. LinkedIn Company profile

  • Update company information (address, basic bio, etc) as this will encourage people to “follow” any changes with the goings on of your business – changes such as new employees, position changes, contact changes.
be careful who you stalk on Linkedin…there is a link to see who has viewed your profile.
  • Don’t forget to remind employees that they can impact your company’s digital presence in a positive way by posting about the company on LinkedIn and other social media outposts.

Now that you have your #DigitalHousekeeping in check, make sure you are analyzing the metrics of the progress of your work. Look at your likes, followers, Google placement and analytics to see if these simple steps boost your digital presence.

Do you have any other digital housekeeping tips that might be easily overlooked?