making wishes and taking risks.

Recently a lot of life changes have gone on for me, so it gets me to thinking…what’s next?

Do I sit around and make plans I will only refer to when I am day-dreaming about what COULD happen, or do I suck it up and take the risk to do something proactive? It’s scary to make changes in my life- especially now that I am in my 30s, but I have never been a quiet bystander, so I refuse to sit around any longer. Let’s take some risks.

Now, when I looked up the exact definition of risk for the purpose of this post, it states, “A situation involving exposure to danger.” I feel that is the pessimistic explanation of that word. Couldn’t risk also expose you to great success? I am going to say YES! Yes, taking a risk could lead to great success and happiness. Sure, there is that other side (the danger one), but we aren’t going to think about him right now.

I’m gonna risk it all and do something that I KNOW will make me happier in the long run. I am going to step out of my comfort zone and be spontaneous again. Spontaneous. Funny to say that out-loud (well, out-loud via electronic/digital voice). This is an adjective I have honestly not been able to use in self-descriptions in YEARS. Let’s give her another look, shall we?

I urge you all to do something uncomfortable, different and new. I bet you’ll smile at the end…and it might just give you that spark in your life that you have been missing. Now, that being said: I am not telling you to act like Joel in “Ricky Business” where you steal your father’s Porsche, accidentally drop it into Lake Michigan (while stoned) and turn your home into a brothel. However, Miles has a point with his statement, “Sometimes you gotta say What the Fuck? make your move. Joel, every now and then, saying What the Fuck?, brings freedom. Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity makes your future. So your parents are going out of town. You got the place all to yourself….what the fuck? If you can’t say it, you can’t do it.”  While this sounds like a blast, it’s not my point; Keep it within reason and keep it responsible! Come on- we are grown-ups people! However, I do believe Joel got into Princeton in the end. Just sayin’…spark.

Fall in love with something new and find a part of yourself that you forgot about…then thank me, Joel and Miles, Robert Frost, or even Nike.

Make your move. Why not?

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. -R. Frost

I totally agree.


what happened to our creativity?

When we are little kids, we are creative, spontaneous, playful, active and tireless- even entrepreneurial. I realize with age the second to later of the qualities will diminish naturally, but what about all the other things? If I wanted to play- I would go outside and build a fort in the forest. If I wanted to be creative I would draw pictures for everyone- including hand-drawn cards for holidays (I am pretty sure my mother still has them somewhere and no, they were not good). If I wanted to be better at something- I would put my sneakers on and challenge the kids in the neighborhood to a race (or my poor father- who I only successfully beat when I was a senior in high school). Want to move up in band? Sure- I would pick up my trombone and learn a whole book of songs, in a day. That was not for bragging rights; I genuinely wanted to be the best “first chair” in the band (no need for the comments- and yes, I did go to band camp). My friend Heather and I would ride our bikes from sun up until sun down. Courtney and I would pack a backpack (apple juice, cereal and granola bars) and venture into the forest for a day of exploring. If I wanted to make money- I would create a plan to sell lemonade or bracelets, and execute it, making everything by hand. It was non-stop and I had a blast doing it all.

So where does this ambition go? Have we become so comfortable with the lives played out for us that we stop living life and just allow life to happen to us? We have our routines and a whole new set of responsibilities that one can’t put aside for a horror-movie-a-thon until you have seen every single movie on the wall in Handy Ron’s Video Store (yes, I did this one summer), but at what point should we take some time to find that inner CEO we all were as children? In high school, I would race from (insert sport of the season/moment here) practice to my voice lesson, then home. The next day I would have Odyssey of the Mind, track practice and then play rehearsal. My routine now consists of work, work events, MAYBE working out when I have the energy, walking my dog, watching television and cooking. I make an effort to work in some charity work from time to time- but even my traveling isn’t for my own reasons anymore. I only ever travel for someone else’s needs.

I don’t mean to complain, again…as I always seem to with this forum, but honestly I am rather irritated with the pattern I have fallen into. I get more excited to get into bed and watch a movie I have seen 100 times than I would about experiencing something I have not done before. I still freelance some of my work, but even that is WORK! Ugh- it’s exasperating.

I am vowing to strike this lazy behavior from the record and LIVE again! Maybe take guitar lessons (something I have always wanted to do, but a bad experience with a rude teacher left me jaded for a while) or do a cooking class…maybe even get my Masters. I will have to think on this one because even the idea of doing something that doesn’t involve my couch right now is giving me a headache.

life was more fun when we were little

the art of bragging.

Adj. 1.


exhibiting self-importance; “big talk”

proud – feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride; “proud parents”; “proud of his accomplishments”; “a proud moment”; “proud to serve his country”; “a proud name”; “proud princes”

We all know the people in our lives who fit this description. The ones who must let you know that no matter what you have done, are doing or own- they have done, can do and own it bigger and better than you.

“How great that you got a gold watch for your 10 year anniversary at your job…have you seen my Rolex?”

You know who they are.

Yes, we know no one is as rich and amazing as you.

I’m not talking about being exciting for something excellent happening in ones life (I’m excited for you too!), I’m talking about the serial braggers..the ones who do with every word in their vernacular.

The funny thing about braggers is that they don’t realize how transparent their words are to the rest of the world. Their insecurities are so BOLD and obvious they might as well have a neon sign around their neck. I’m not writing about anything recently, mind you, I’m just remembering fondly all the laughs I have had on behalf of the braggers in my life. There is the family member or boss who will click their car alarm- just so you will be drawn to their new car. Then there’s the name-brand-freak-friend who will comment on everything- just so that the conversation points back to the fact that “they don’t know because they only wear X brand or dine at X restaurant” (fill in the X with any designer clothing or fancy establishment label you like). I have some people in my life that will only contact me if there is something completely random and unnecessary to brag about, and then end the conversation before I even have time to comment on; how many designer bags or pieces of jewelry they own, accomplishments of family members, money they (or their spouse) make(s), parties they attended, trips they took, etc. The list goes on and on- and NOTHING surprises me at this point in my life, as I have heard it all. The best part is that most of the time the bragger is full of shit. Part of their story might be true, but all in all its a complete fabrication of the reality. If the “brag” is true- you have to question why they feel the need to try and make others around them less? My mother and I actually made a game out of it to “count” the brags (silently, of course) when in the presence of a bragger. It’s very fun and makes you almost encourage the behavior. Oops…did I just admit that one?

Note to braggers reading this: We are not jealous of you, we are laughing at you. We like you as a person- and no matter how many things or stories you have- IT WILL NOT MAKE ME LIKE YOU MORE. Be yourself, it’s actually kinda worthwhile in and of itself.

It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.

~Niccolo Machiavelli

SNL mocks it best with their series of skits and sometime digital shorts. I embrace this one by Andy Samberg. Love me some Samberg, as he couldn’t have expressed it better:

That is the end of my rant. Hope it gave you a laugh- or a nice reflection. If you have a funnier story than this- please read this again and pretend I am talking about you, as you are doing it again. 🙂


treat your face with care.

When I was in high school- my aunt pulled me aside and taught me that I needed to prepare for the future now…through my skin. She bought me Clinique “City Block” that I started wearing every day. It was then I began to pay attention…as usual, I will share:

I have had the hardest time in my life finding products I actually like to use, that actually work. I have found these to be pretty great- I’ll attach links for you also, so you can find them if you like.

1. Avalon Organics Vitamin C Sun-Aging Defense Balancing Facial Toner.


My thoughts: Stuff feels awesome on your face after a shower. I also like to use it when I get home from work or right before bed. I buy it at Whole Foods, but I found it online HERE as well in case you don’t have a Whole Foods close. Just in case you don’t believe me that this stuff is awesome for you:

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is key to the production of collagen, a protein that aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels and gives skin its firmness and strength [source: WebMD]. Vitamin C also helps create scar tissue and ligaments, and it helps your skin repair itself [source: Milton S. Hershey Medical Center].

2. Olay Regenerist Products. (seriously all of them are pretty great)

over the counter isn't always a bad thing.

My thoughts: A friend of mine is the media buyer for Olay. They ran a promotion to add your address and you get THIS starter kit in the mail, free. I have NEVER turned back. Makes your skin look amazing and feel like it is soaking in moisture. I especially am a fan of the Micro-sculpting cream. This you can get at any pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens, Osco, etc). In their full sizes they are kinds pricey, but trust me when I say worth it.

3. under-eye cream… I am not starting with a product brand on this one because I have 3 I am testing out. I’m not trying to get the wrinkles out of a sharpei, but some touching up/prevention never hurt anyone. You can find all of them on

  • Benefit “It’s Potent!” Eye Cream. Just got this one last week, but it feels great on my face. Middle of the road in price ($32).
  • glo therapeutics gloEye Restore. It was only $20, so I got it. We’ll see.
  • Kinerase Intensive Eye Cream. Got this one a few weeks ago and I can definitely tell if I use it. It was a little higher in price at $56.

4. the holy mud company “Pumpkin Glycolic Mask.”

smells like fall.

My thoughts: It’s awesome. It completely opens up your face/pores thou- so be prepared for a mild breakout after use. I’ve used it a bunch of times now and I can really tell that it saturates into your skin- and smells awesome.

5. ANYTHING by Kiehls.

so good.

I use everything from their scrubs to their tinted moisturizer– instead of foundation. The moisturizer takes like 2 seconds to apply, evens out your skin tone and is light. Trust me when I say anything on this website will be the highest quality products you have ever used (for men too). Their products are not cheap, but worth every penny.

Spoil your skin. Thanks, Aunty.

dear air conditioner.

Dear Air Conditioner,

Please do not take this as a slight. Understand that I simply adore how you keep me cool when it is an unbearable 107 degrees in the summer. I appreciate the hum of the breeze blowing in my room to help me fall asleep at night. Most of all, I know you are there for my selfish needs- any day and any time.

That being said; I have no tolerance for how sick you have made me. I know it was you because I am more sick when I turn to you- and Google told me so:

Air-conditioner lung: A form of the sick building syndrome caused by organisms that contaminate humidifiers and the piping of air conditioner ducts. The air conditioner blows cold air containing spores of the organisms throughout the building.

The organisms responsible for air-conditioner lung are the same as cause farmer’s lung which is due to repeated inhalation of dust from hay. (The organisms are thermophilic actinomycetes).

The symptoms of air-conditioner lung include episodes of fever, chills, cough, and shortness of breath, typically occurring 4 to 8 hours after reexposure. Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may also be present.

The diagnosis of air-conditioner fever is made based on a history of exposure to air conditioning and consistent clinical features, chest x-ray findings, and pulmonary function tests. Confirmation comes from laboratory results showing exposure to thermophilic actinomycetes and other organisms known to cause air-conditioner fever.

Treatment is avoidance of offending organism from the air conditioner. Symptoms usually subside within hours, although complete recovery may take weeks.

Repeated bouts of air-conditioner fever can result in pulmonary fibrosis with cough, fatigue, and weight loss and progression that sometimes requires hospitalization.

If I end up with this “pulmonary fibrosis,” I will not be pleased. In fact, I will be down-right pissed off. I have been seeing signs your ac is low on refrigerant and will make plans to fix that ASAP. I understand you didn’t know I was allergic to dust, but you didn’t have to make me so sick that I have not slept from coughing…all….night….long. If you need a new air conditioning replacement, then make sure to consider hiring professional contractors like air conditioning replacement st. augustine, fl who can provide expert services. If you are planning to have a dehumidifier in your home, check out here the benefits a whole home humidifier installation can bring to your home. And if you need a new air conditioning installation, make sure to hire professionals like air conditioning installation rochester ny. It is advised to seek ac repair services as soon as you notice mechanical issues with your ac unit to avoid costly damages. If you need air conditioning tips for summer, visit this website at to learn more. And if you need water heater replacement services, make sure to contact the professionals.

Thank goodness there is a breeze in the air tonight, so I won’t need you. However, I highly suggest that if you plan on continuing this relationship for the rest of the summer, and more summers to come, that you cut it out- now. I deserve to not feel like shit.


Warmest and sincerest regards,


more people should watch cartoons.

My mother just sent me a forward about eating dessert for dinner, rather than being sensible because you only live once and life is short. I can agree with that completely.

Here is a list that struck me today of things I also feel people should do more of: (Feel free to add your own!)

  • watch more cartoons
  • watch cheesy romantic comedies
  • sing out-loud when a song comes on that makes you smile
  • compliment other people when they deserve it (who cares if you know them or not?)
  • pet more dogs- animals in general for that matter. They are the only ones on this planet not looking for anything more than just that little love.
  • talk less about other people behind their backs.
  • eat cheetoes
  • take walks along water, and stop to feed the ducks
  • celebrate little league and pee-wee football games
  • learn how to do something NEW (play the piano, guitar, paint, cook, dance, sing)
  • hug and kiss
  • send real greeting cards in the US mail. REAL cards- not e-cards.
  • say please and thank you
  • forgive mistakes
  • rise above the obvious remark, if negative
  • say “I’m sorry”
  • refuse the urge to judge
  • laugh
  • drive with the sun-roof open or top town
  • appreciate advertising. someone is taking the time to create it for you.
  • drink red wine and eat chocolate and cheese with someone that you love, while listening to music.

Have a great evening. 🙂


better than redbull or coffee.

I am one of the unfortunate women in this world who has read the book “Skinny Bitch.” I say unfortunate because I was actually scared of food for a while after reading it. I still don’t eat red meat, regardless. I don’t know if you have read it, but if you like to actually eat, I suggest against it. It basically persuades you (through some decent evidence, mind you) to stay away from any meat, dairy product, alcohol (besides organic red wine), caffeinated drinks- Okay I am not writing the whole list; basically anything that isn’t veggies or water. HOWEVER- there were a couple sections I actually agreed with; not eating red meat (it doesn’t digest…like ever) and not drinking soda or coffee. Here is the excerpt: (It’s a little blunt and borderline vulgar, but I guess that’s how they talk to people. so bare with me)

Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my morning coffee. Pathetic! Coffee is for pussies. Think about how widely accepted it has become that people need coffee to wake up. You should not need anything to wake up. If you can’t wake up without it, it’s because you are either addicted to caffeine, sleep deprived, or a generally unhealthy slob. It may seem like the end of the world to give up your daily dose, especially if you rely on Starbucks as a good place to meet men. But it’s not heroin, girls, and you’ll learn to live without it.

Caffeine can cause headaches, digestive problems, irritation of the stomach and bladder, peptic ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. It affects every organ system, from the nervous system to the skin. So instead of coffee, you can use CBD to fuel yourself. In fact, here are 6 reasons to incorporate it in your daily lifestyle.

But don’t go grabbing for the decaf. Coffee, whether regular or decaf is highly acidic. Acidic foods cause your body to produce fat cells, in order to keep the acid away from your organs. (Please, do not link this acid issue with citrus and other fruits. We discuss this in depth later.) So coffee equals fat cells. P.S. It also makes your breath smell like ass.  If you enjoy the occasional cup of coffee, fine. But if you need it, give it up.

OK, so I have found a solution (without being so mean about it)! RUNNING! Every time I muster up the energy to go for a 2-3 mile run in the morning, I have the utmost amount of energy afterwards. It’s quite amazing, actually. I walk in to the gym and my eyes still don’t quite work right, but when I leave, not only is my body 100% ready to rock the day, but my mind is as well. I think quicker and clearer EARLIER than I would if I don’t run.

Besides waking up and thinking clearer…I’m sure your legs (and butt) will thank you after a few weeks of this routine. I don’t think you could say the same for coffee.

Great day and learned something I wish I didn’t.

The boyfriend and I went apartment hunting yesterday. I have to say I think we struck gold. We found the most perfect 2BR 2BA condo, on a quiet street, in a great neighborhood. Exposed brick, new appliances, fresh paint and clean hardwood floors. The back door opens up to this court yard of back porches; clean, freshly finished wood and all private. I don’t think words can describe how excited we were to come across such real estate gold. In order to beat out the hippie couple and two young Asian girls, boyfriend and I RAN to a FedEx down the street to scan the applications and send them to the owner. We find out by Wed if we got it!

After this wonderous moment, we decided to go get something to eat. Muscles. OH MY GOD were they good. Regardless, that is not the point of my rambling this morning. Following great eats and some beers, boyfriend wanted to show me this little hole-in-the-wall pub, Parrots. We love hole-in-the-wall bars, but I personally don’t love how they all seem to have that same stale scent. Inside we had the usual clientelle: 2 normal young 30ish looking girls with a guy (returning from the beach), old woman bartender (quick tongue and bad haircut), old regular (who ended up engaging boyfriend in a round of Jacks), and then the one random kid at the end of the bar (not talking to anyone, and he was sipping either a bud light or a PBR).

This is the part of the day where I wish I was not so friendly all the time. I start talking to the gals/guy our age. I’m not very engaged in the conversation and my eyes keep wondering to boyfriend, who is chatting up the old man. I don’t know how it came about to me talking to the random kid at the end of the bar, but I did, and this was when I learned probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life; This kid was an advocate and practitioner of voluntary poverty. Are you kidding me? I was completely in shock. There are people in this country who VOLUNTARILY want to be homeless and without ANY means??? I probably was scaring the shit out of this kid with my line of questioning; Why on earth would you do that? Do you have any goals in life? You’re telling me that you have no ambition to make a life for yourself? You LIKE having no money? How the hell are you even in a bar right now?? Feeling guilty about my abrasive nature- I bought him a Sam Adams. Screw the PBR shit; we’re not in Georgia or Mississippi. I probably came off like an asshole, but I couldn’t help it- actually I think he was smiling at first, but I can put money on the fact no one had ever got him thinking like that before, as his smile faded and the pensive expression replaced it. He was doing it for some girl, I guess. Hell, I am all about doing things for the ones you love, but poverty? Forget about it. I woke up this morning and did a Google search “voluntary poverty” and the results opened up to a bunch of sites on “Simple living.” LAZY living more like it! Is that this kids excuse to not pay taxes? Great- thanks for letting me do the work for you.

Here is what Wikipedia had to say on the matter. (For the record, I still call bullshit):

Simple living encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to simplify one’s lifestyle. These may include reducing one’s possessions or increasing self-sufficiency, for example. Simple living may be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they need rather than want. Although asceticism generally promotes living simply and refraining from luxury and indulgence, not all proponents of simple living are ascetics. Simple living is distinct from those living in forced poverty, as it is a voluntary lifestyle choice.

Adherents may choose simple living for a variety of personal reasons, such as spirituality, health, increase in ‘quality time’ for family and friends, reducing their personal ecological footprint, stress reduction, personal taste or frugality. Others cite socio-political goals aligned with the anti-consumerist movement, including conservation, degrowth, social justice, ethnic diversity and sustainable development.

Simple living can also be a reaction to materialism and conspicuous consumption. Thorstein Veblen had denounced the materialistic society in The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899); Richard Gregg coined the term “voluntary simplicity” as one path to simple living, in The Value of Voluntary Simplicity(1936); E. F. Schumacher argued against the notion that “bigger is better” in Small Is Beautiful(1973); and Duane Elgin carried on the promotion of the simple life in Voluntary Simplicity (1981).

I do remember him saying that he wanted to make a difference and felt the government would hear him if he denounced everything in his life and lived in poverty. I think he would have a better chance at being heard if he chained himself to a tree outside the White House- rather than living in poverty, in California, and not having the technology to tell anyone that he is doing so…he is hoping to be found and inspire someone. Well buddy, you inspired me…to get angry at your lack of American values and work ethic. Your lazy demenor and liberal thinking. I hope he doesn’t get that girl pregnant; words cannot describe how horrible that would be for that poor baby. He should not have been in a bar, in Chicago. Wouldn’t that be against his thinking? The girlfriend wasn’t around, she was in California, which also makes me think that this guy was not using his own brain in this decision. Grow a backbone and get out of my country. YOU are the polution MY tax dollars are supporting.

Damn hippies. They better not get my condo.

Transcend Recovery Community and Sober Living
Phone: +18002081211
11150 W Olympic Blvd #760-A
Los Angeles, CA 90064

It’s been a while since we spoke.

I am not sure if anyone actually reads these silly posts of mine (besides my friends and mother), but I thought I would pop in for an update.

I’m finding that as I get older, I have started to lose touch with many of the friends I have made throughout the years. All of a sudden people are getting engaged, moving to completely random states, getting pregnant, switching careers, and other life occurrences, that unless you speak to a person weekly- you would miss all together. It makes me question if the friendship was ever really worth it- or if we have become so self involved, that we forget to reach out to people that care about us the most.

Why are some friendships so easy to forget?