The true life of a Gamecock. 

A moment of understanding.

We love our school. 
-we love our football team more.

Have you every heard 2001 under the lights of a night game?
-I cry every single time.

Remember when you got that Christmas present you campaigned for all year long?
-that's how loud we cheer when Cocky is revealed during the crescendo of 2001, just before the players run onto the field.

We appreciate that we went 0-21 once.
-humility is a good thing.

We were crying like babies when we won that first game.
-we stole the goal posts and bushes because we didn’t want the moment to end.
(then we stole them a few more times)

We know Holtz changed it all for us- Spurrier made better.
-and Beamer made us believe.

Fuck Muschamp.
We genuinely HATE Muschamp.
-don’t even mention that guy to a Gamecock.

We beat Ohio State. Twice.
-they were National Champions the following year.

The HIT.
-no other explanation necessary, other than OSU fans and players alike didn't give a fuck about those consecutive Outback Bowls when this occurred.

We are hopeless romantics.
-how can we not be?

We are passionate and confidant.
-some might say we are cocky.

Our passion annoys 99% of the people who don’t get it
- we do not care.

We are grateful for every moment.
- and understand more than anyone why George Rogers carries his Heisman around with him, every day.

We hate the color orange.
-we really hate the color orange.

We don’t give an actual fuck how many “Nattys” Clemson has won.
-we smile knowing Dabo fell for “may I take my pic of you,” and it was usually the little kid in the picture who held up 5 fingers.

We hate Georgia just as much as Clemson.
-and never in my life have I heard a Williams-Brice Stadium ‘boo’ the opposing coaches, until Muschamp ran out on the field with them.

Cam Newton Broke every single one of our hearts in 2010.
-we all know he played as one, while we played as a team.

We develop the kind of people you are proud to be around.
"Second quarter, with about five minutes left, fate got me. It was dreadful. A lot of anger. A lot of disappointment. Lot of pain all wrapped into one. I was shouting in the x-ray room. I tore all four ligaments in my knee — ACL, LCL, PCL and MCL — my calf muscle and hamstring and my femoral artery had been hit, which is why I couldn't feel anything. … I was never mad at [Eric Gordon]. At the end of the day, it was a good play. It was a legal tackle." - Marcus Lattimore.
-Lattimore was my favorite player to watch on the Gamecocks football team. He was so fucking good. And pure of heart. I will always respect that man.

Quick side note due to my obvious ADHD: Despite his abbreviated career, Lattimore ranks No. 6 on South Carolina's all-time rushing list with 2,677 yards and owns the school record for rushing touchdowns (38) and overall touchdowns (41). His best season came as a freshman in 2010 when he rushed for 1,197 yards on 249 carries. He earned SEC Freshman of the Year and unanimous Freshman All-America honors.

The NFL loves the players we give to them.
-yet they treat us like a moped; it's okay to ride around the neighborhood, but you don’t want anyone to see you on it.

Dan Reeves, Bobby Bryant, George Rogers, Harold Green, Sterling Sharpe, Robert Brooks, Duce Staley, Sheldon Brown, John Abraham, Jonathan Joseph, Richard Seymour, Sidney Rice, Ryan Succop, D.J. Swearinger, Alshon Jeffery, CLOWNY, Melvin Ingram, LATTIMORE, Mike Davis, Stephon Gilmore, Damiere Byrd, Connor Shaw, DEEBO, Hayden Hurst, Javon Kinlaw, Nick Muse, and Xavier Legette. Phil Petty, Jonathan Martin, Ryan Brewer, Jason Corse, Trey Pennington, Travis Whitfield, Andrew Pinnock, Courtney Leavitt, Vic Penn, Anthony Wright, Jermale Kelly, Scott Browne, Rod Trafford, Reed Morton, Corey Jenkins, Eric Kimrey, Derek Watson, Steve Florio, Tyeler Dean, Cleveland Pinckney, and Corey Bridges.
-each name on this list is a Gamecock. Sure, not all of these men made it to the NFL, but each name means something to us.

We truly believe that when we are yelling at the television during a game the team can hear our obvious expertise.
-and truly believe the refs are perpetually against us.

We know that every season we could (and probably will) beat the best team in the USC.
-and then lose to the worst.

We have one logo for the entire university- aside from the baseball team.
-they get their own, and no one really knows why.

We show up.
We have no issue learning 100 different chants- depending on the direction of The Might Sound of the Southeast.
We understand that we could be up 1million points going into the 4th quarter- and lose.
We understand that we could be down 1million points going into the 4th quarter- and win.
We are fiercely loyal.
We do not give up.
We see the potential.
We get frustrated.
We fight.

We are the mighty Gamecocks and the REAL CAROLINA.
We are the mighty Gamecocks and the REAL USC.


leukemia happens. #LynchStrong

December 26th, my cousin (technically would be my second-cousin, but I say simply “cousin” because we are close in age) was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. They told him he had the flu or a virus…a couple moments later he was rushed to Beth Israel Deaconess, in Boston, to immediately start chemotherapy.  Can you imagine being a recent graduate of college, just starting your life, and then being told you have cancer? I can’t even imagine, but I know I would not be half as strong as he is.  It’s amazing how strong he is, and how much support he has through this difficult time.  By the way, his name is Chris.

chris lynch, age 24.
chris lynch, age 24.

When visiting the family (my mom’s side) in Milton, MA recently, I learned that Chris went 36 days without fresh air during his first hospital stint. 36 days without being able to open the window, go outside, feel the breeze, etc.  Just listening to the process, timeline and everything he has had to go through to date (he starts yet ANOTHER (4th) round of chemo tomorrow) has put many things into perspective.  If he has a fever, they admit him for a whole week.  Even if the temp goes down, while in the office, in those first few moments of the doctor visit: one week admitted.  No questions about it- you have a fever, you have a new address and hospital food for a whole week. He next has a bone marrow transplant to power through (hospital visit length: 2 months), and then hopefully it will all be done.

Little aside: Because this happened right during the holidays, Chris was unable to really celebrate.  He was very sick Christmas Day and in the hospital directly following.  Anyway, when I walked into their house last weekend, I noticed the Christmas tree was still up. Apparently, they are keeping it up until this is all over. All I know is there are many people who cannot wait for that tree to come down.

Anyway, I am trying to raise some money for his family. There are like 8 of them who visit the hospital daily. Parking costs, at $10-$15 a pop, food, and other incidentals have been adding up.  Although they have amazing insurance, Chris is unable to work and the others are constantly taking time off work to be with him. It adds up.  I created one of those fundraising pages to help: #LynchStrong.  I made it a hash-tagged name so that people can share it easily (hint hint, if you are reading this, SHARE IT!). His parents set up The Friends of Chris Lynch Facebook page for updates.  Check them out, if you have a moment.  Also, a friend of the family, and Chris’s Godmother (Nina), has been selling “We are Lynch Strong” t shirts to raise money. I thought I would share some pictures of his friends wearing them: (let me know if you’d like one!)

Hopefully, the end of this nightmare will be soon and we can all relax on a beach somewhere.  I’ll bring the margaritas, and no Christmas trees allowed!

more friends of chris!
friends of chris

nina (the God mother) and her husband
nina (the Godmother) and her husband

friend annie o'rielly
friend annie o’rielly

the giles family
the giles family

chris's older brother, michael.
chris’s older brother, michael.

yep, we bought some too!
yep, we bought a couple too!

*UPDATE 10/22/2014.* A few weeks ago, Chris developed a lung infection, following a complete remission from the AML. The doctors had him medically sedated, so his body could fight the infection. While sedated, he developed blood poisoning. Not really much more you could do to his young, fighting body.

The eery part of it all is he held on though the weekend to see his brother, Connor, who is in college in NY. He also held on through Sunday, which was the benefit 5k #ALLinforChris, that many of his friends and family worked their tail off to put together.  Following the race and benefit, his family was called to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center to say good-bye. From what his family said, the ICU nurses went above and beyond to make Chris comfortable.  They even removed all the tubes, machines and band-aids- covering him in a blanket.

Chris passed away Monday, October 20th at 1:10am, with his family by his side.

Donations can be made to the family through this site: #LynchStrong Leukemia Fund.

ho ho ho: the movie edition.

Allo my lovelies! Right now I wish I was home, watching some Hugh Grant infested British holiday movie. Actually, any holiday movie works for me, but I thought it would be fun to share my personal favorites!  Since I am a romantic mush, and could go on for pages, I will keep it to 10.

Side note: Most people will give you the classics like, “It’s a Wonderful Life” or “White Christmas,” but I am nothing, if not honest.  I’d like to love those movies as much as some, but I just don’t.  Don’t judge- I know some of you watch the WHOLE “A Christmas Story” marathon! And that is nothing to brag about! 

1. The Holiday.  I just love this one. I don’t know if it’s the traveling, the cast or the music, but it all just works- kismet.  The writing on this one amazes me, and the characters are so relate-able to every woman who has gone through a break-up and then got the pleasure of a healthy, loving new relationship. I could watch this movie during a snowstorm, every time. If you haven’t seen it, I suggest you add it to the top of your list.

holidays are about falling in love, i certainly agree with my 2 year anniversary coming up on 12/23!
holidays are about falling in love. i certainly agree with my 2 year anniversary coming up on 12/23!

2. Love, Actually. Aside from a woman in my office who doesn’t watch movies, I don’t know a person who has seen this movie who doesn’t love it. It’s wonderful. So many fun story lines, so many truths, so much fun awkwardness. I feel like the truth and awkwardness makes this movie what it is. Love, actually is all around.  (watch) Cue Cards Scene, Andrew Lincoln

3. Bridget Jones Diary. I could watch Bridget every day. She’s wonderful in her imperfections.  A close friend of mine, Laura, and I have a deep relationship with this movie and will often quote lines, short of something else to say.  The usual “Ahh, Perpetua” is a favorite.  I think a common theme in my first three favorites is relate-ability.  Needless to say I love Bridget, just the way she is. Oh! And i just found this post from 2011 that Laura helped me construct about movie lines (some touching movies I mention here). 

4. Elf. Elf is silly and funny and lovely.

5. The Family Man. I love this movie. Nicholas Cage usually creeps me out, but in this one- he rocks it. Ever wonder what your life would have been like if you didn’t get on that plane, go to that school, make that move, etc? This paints a picture of “what if” that makes you think about what’s really important. There are some funny one-liners, but mostly this movie is full of great life lessons that I certainly appreciate. “I choose us.”

6. You’ve Got Mail. I’m a sucker for a good romantic comedy (obviously). This is a light-hearted, funny, sweet, romantic, typical Hollywood movie that I love.  Funny, when this came out, the words “you’ve got mail” was so new! Now it’s archaic. Still, although the plot is predictable, its very enjoyable.

7. Just Friends. In the days before we realized that Ryan Reynolds had one movie personality (that probably mimics his own), this was unique.  I laugh a lot in this movie: from the creepiness of Chris Klein, to Anna Faris knocking it out of the park, per usual. Favorite scene is when Ryan’s character is looking for his ice skates and comes across his snow globe collection.  Next time you watch it, pay attention to that scene; it’s funny and subtle.

8. While You Were Sleeping. It’s hard to imagine Bill Pullman (well, for me anyways) as anything other than Loan Star, but he works the leading man in this flick. Sandra Bullock is great. I love her. It’s a feel good movie about family, which is something I will always appreciate.  They come in all shapes and sizes!

9. Home Alone (1 and 2). Self explanatory. I like that he knew who he was, had wit and the best advice ever. Favorite scene:

Bird Lady: The man I loved fell out of love with me. That broke my heart. When the chance to be loved came along again, I ran away from it. I stopped trusting people.

Kevin McCallister: No offense, but that seems like sort of a dumb thing to do.

Bird Lady: I was afraid of getting my heart broken again. Sometimes you can trust a person, and then, when things are down, they forget about you.

Kevin McCallister: Maybe they’re just too busy. Maybe they don’t forget about you, but they forget to remember you. People don’t mean to forget. My grandfather says if my head wasn’t screwed on, I’d leave it on the school bus.

Bird Lady: I’m just afraid if I do trust someone, I’ll get my heart broken.

Kevin McCallister: I understand. I had a nice pair of rollerblades. I was afraid to wreck them, so I kept them in a box. Do you know what happened? I outgrew them. I never wore them outside. Only in my room a few times.

Bird Lady: A person’s heart and feelings are very different than skates.

Kevin McCallister: They’re kind of the same thing. If you won’t use your heart, who cares if it gets broken? If you just keep it to yourself, maybe it’ll be like my rollerblades. When you do decide to try it, it won’t be any good. You should take a chance. Got nothing to lose.

Bird Lady: Little truth in there somewhere.

Kevin McCallister: I think so. Your heart might still be broken, but it isn’t gone. If it was gone, you wouldn’t be so nice.

10. Babes in Toyland. This movie I watched a a child. My father loved Laurel and Hardy movies, and this is the one I remember most.  Barnaby scared the bejesus out of me, but Dee and Dum won in the end! I haven’t seen it in years, so I might seek it out this holiday season.

I’d love to know your favorites!  Merry Christmas!